Let’s face it with every craft project there is one, or many, steps to completion that we are just dreading. I personally love to quilt, and I tell others that when asked, but truly The part I most enjoy, is the piecing of the top, the finishing, becomes practically a chore, and more often than not I get done with cutting and there went all of my ‘free time’, and now I have a pile of pieces waiting to be lost until the next rare moment of production can begin. If you are in this boat, know you are not alone my friends. I simply want people to enjoy their art, hobby, craft, tradition, or whatever labels you put upon your invested time and brain space. I knew I must figure out a way for me to have my free time and enjoy it too. This became my mission; I need perfectly cut pieces, beautifully matched, and ideally in patterns for toppers so I have all of my pieces in one step. After research, I found that the human touch, although often times a necessity, in the case of perfect equal cutting every time, was just simply not the right tool for the job. The wonderful world of die cutting came into view, now I was able to get consistent pieces for all of my quilting projects. I order my die cut pieces or die cut quilt kits and now I can piece my heart out. After hours of perfect piecing enjoyment, I am left with beautiful quilt top, which by itself is pretty much just a lonely wall hanging, with raw edges, not exactly a thing of beauty. How was I going to find the hours, space, not to mention a budget for different materials, being a new mom, to finish this masterpiece, on which, I had spent so much time. I knew what needed to be done, and simply wanted it done for me, easily. So I looked for a machine quilter for hire, and I found many services available, even locally, that will take your quilt top, matching backing, and binding, and send to you a perfectly quilted finished piece, every time. The next question was affordability. If it is out of the budget, it is out of the budget in my house, but the most popular ones were surprisingly affordable. Missouri Star Quilting (www.missouriquiltco.com) offers their machine quilting services for .02 cents an inch with return to you in only 6 to 8 weeks. I know, for me, when it comes to quilting, de-stressing is the name of the game, by eliminating some of the frustrating parts of a project or two I can continue to look forward to quilting, instead of finding myself hauled by an unfinished project. Keep on quilting my friends, finish that project, get excited again, and as always keep stitching.
No Stress Quilting
“Take the stress out of Quilting, for good!”